Abigail Digby Day

dee-2Photo Copyright–DLovering

This is my story for Friday Fictioneers this week. This is a weekly challenge to write a story in 100 words with a beginning, middle, and end. It’s supposed to follow the picture prompt given for the week. The host for the challenge is the gracious and talented author, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week the picture is a photo supplied by DLovering. Many thanks Dee.


Abigail Digby Day by P.S. Joshi

Driving from Boston to Cleveland on vacation last year, I stopped for gas in the tiny village of Pitfall, MA. I noticed decorations, so asked the gas attendant about the occasion.

“Well,” he said after he spit a wad of chewing tobacco on the cement, “it’s Abigail Digby Day.”

“Oh, was she an important person around here?”

“You might say she was a dang scary old bat.” he answered back, eyes watching the pump.”Died in 1969. Said she’d curse us if we didn’t celebrate her birthday yearly. Didn’t in 1970; there was a blasted blizzard in July that year.” friday-fictioneers