Photo Copyright: Victor and Sarah Potter

Here we are this week gathered near a spider’s web, a large one. We’ve gathered to discuss our original stories for the week. This is the Friday Fictioneers group. Our hostess for the gathering is the talented and gracious author and artist, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The challenge for each of us this week and every week is to write a story with no more than 100 words, not counting the title. It’s supposed to have a beginning, middle, end, and be inspired by the picture prompt for the week. This week’s prompt was provided by Victor and Sarah Potter. Thanks, Victor and Sarah.

To read the other stories by group members, just click on the link given below, then on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link for this week’s stories is as follows:

12 January 2017

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Word Count: 100 Words


It was broiling outside and frosty in the lounge. George enjoyed this escape from everyday reality, this chance to meet people.

As he stepped up to the bar an exotic fragrance entranced his senses. A beautiful woman now stood close to his left side. Turning to him she produced a Virginia Slims and whispered, “Have you a light?”

He felt like he was floating.

Putting a warm hand on his she repeated, “Do you have a light?”

Coming back to reality he answered, “Sure.” Pulling a Zippo from his pocket he lit her cigarette.

He’d been ensnared.























Grappling iron--Al Forges--august-7th-2016

Photo Copyright: Al Forbes

This story was written for Sunday Photo Fiction–August 7th, 2016. Each week the host, Al Forbes, provides a picture prompt. The challenge for each member of the group is to write an original story or poem with no more than 200 words, not including the title and inspired by the prompt.

To read the other stories written by group members, just click on the link below, then on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link to the other stories this week is as follows:

Genre: Humor Fiction

Word Count: 200 Words


Laura always told her friends, “One day a prince will come and take me to his castle.”

“Sure,” they said. “we all dream about that.” They would then walk away laughing.

One night she heard something on her balcony–yes she had one. Don’t laugh.

She opened the doors and looked out. There was a grappling hook fastened to her balcony railing. A long rope led up to a hot air balloon floating overhead.

A handsome prince was sliding down the attached rope. She pinched herself, but she wasn’t sleeping.

“Hello, Laura,” he said as he reached the end of his rope. “I’ve finally shown up.”

“Where have you been?” she asked frowning. “You can’t believe how many times my friends have laughed at me.”

His bottom lip stuck out. He asked, “Aren’t you glad to see me? I’ve come to take you to my castle to wed you. Can you cook?”

“What else do you want me to do?” she asked.

“Well, there’s the spring cleaning and providing me with heirs–at least five.”

“You’re no bargain. I’ll marry the boy next door. He’s really nice.”

“Good, be that way,” he said and climbed back up.




Written Act of Kindness Award





Drainage pipe

This story was written for Sunday Photo Fiction — April 10th, 2016. Each week the host, Al Forbes, provides a picture prompt. The challenge for each member of the group is to write an original story or poem with no more than 200 words and inspired by the prompt.

To read the other stories written by group members just click on the link below, then click on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link to the other stories this week is as follows:

Genre: Realistic Fiction

Word Count: 2+200=202 Words

THE PLANT by P.S. Joshi

When the chemical plant first decided to build in Shaffertown the townspeople were delighted.

“There’ll be more jobs for our citizens,” boasted Mayor Markem.

There were long lines at the application office. Job interviews and hiring began.

Joey Wister saw the company president grocery shopping one day. “He looks like a big hungry wolf,”–he thought as he put groceries in his own cart.–“I can almost see fangs, and the hungry look in his eyes is the same a wolf gets when it spies a sheep. I remember the one I saw when I was in the mountains with Dad.”

“Joey,” his mother said when he told her–“you have a big imagination.”

The plant had been up and running for about six months when the overpowering stench from the river was noticed. Then a glut of dead, swollen fish started floating downstream.

Inspection by the Fish and Game Department found the plant had been dumping chemicals straight into the water. A court case was filed  that went on and on.

Swimming was prohibited.

Dave Jenkins found his well water was contaminated, undrinkable. He had to put in an expensive filter system.

It was next discovered Shaffertown’s ground was poisoned.




Written Act of Kindness Award






Copyright–Rochelle Wisoff-Fields


Here we are once again gathered around the virtual campfire, ready to share our original stories and prove our creativity. This group is the Friday Fictioneers. Our challenge is to write a story with no more than 100 words. It’s supposed to include a beginning, middle, end, and follow the picture prompt supplied for the week. The gracious and talented author and artist, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields, is the hostess of this gathering. The prompt this week was also supplied by her. Thanks Rochelle. The link to Friday Fictioneers is as follows:

Genre:  Nonfiction Humor

Word Count:  100 Words


Our son loved Boy Scouts. In his freshman year of high school, he decided to go winter camping at the scout camp nearest us.

It was Christmas holidays, but instead of snow, we had rain in North Carolina–lots of rain. The boys could spend the day inside, but had to camp out at night in their tents.

When we drove to get him and bring him home, everything he had was soaked. Water leaked inside the tent.

“Mom,” he said, “I was reading when I fell asleep. When I woke up, my paperback was floating beside the sleeping bag.”
