
Copyright — Randy Mazie

Here we are gathered together for another week. This time we’re in the comfortable virtual conference room of a large modern library. We’re here once more to discuss our original stories for Friday Fictioneers. Our talented and gracious hostess for the gathering is author and artist Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. The weekly challenge is to write a story with no more than 100 words.  It’s supposed to have a beginning, middle, end, and follow the picture prompt for the week. This week’s prompt was supplied by Randy Mazie. Thanks Randy.

I also want to wish a Happy Thanksgiving to all who’ll celebrate that day this week!

The link for all other stories is as follows:

Genre:  Nonfiction Memoir

Word Count:  100 Words

THE READER by P.S. Joshi

There were many readers in Dad’s family, including Dad and his parents of course. But the person I remember most for reading was Grandma’s sister, Aunt Gert.

Her eyesight had been poor for years. Dad said when young, she’d stand stirring food on the stove and reading at the same time.

I remember her in her seventies and eighties sitting in the front room of her home, thick glasses on, large magnifying glass held over the print of a book, head bent, reading by the hour.

Her younger son had subscribed to the Book of the Month Club for her.
