This story was written for Sunday Photo Fiction–June 19th, 2016. Each week the host, Al Forbes, provides a picture prompt. The challenge for each member of the group is to write an original story or poem with no more than 200 words, not including the title and inspired by the prompt.

To read the other stories written by group members, just click on the link below, then on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link to the other stories this week is as follows:


Genre: Science-Fiction

Word Count: 198 Words

A FATAL SLIP by P.S. Joshi

George Brockton was fascinated by medieval history, especially the battles between England and Spain. On holiday, he traveled to the location of an English fort built for defense against the Spanish. He took a number of good pictures with his new digital camera and thought, just wait until my friends see these.

On the second day, he went back to see if he’d missed anything. Unfortunately, there was a slip in time just then and he found himself back in the 1500’s.

Some English soldiers on guard duty spotted him and ran forward with their swords drawn.

They shouted, “Halt and be recognized.”

He was taken to the commander to be questioned.

“Where do you hail from?” he was asked. “What country do you defend?”

George was helpless under these circumstances. 16th Century justice was swift. He was sentenced to death by firing squad.

Back in the 21st Century, the caretaker of the grounds called the nearest police.

The inspector came to examine the premises and wrote a report of evidence he found.

I have found a man’s body within the grounds of the fort. It appears he’s been shot through with 16th Century arrows.




Written Act of Kindness Award



18 thoughts on “A FATAL SLIP

    • Thanks, Diana. I know that was rather sad. It’s also probably caused a stir as far as Scotland Yard. They’ll be looking for the 16th Century killer and wondering why so many arrows were used and where they came from. 🙂 — Suzanne

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