Noteworthy ~ Tallis Steelyard (aka Jim Webster) on tour with two new books…

First, a tale by Tallis Steelyard of a dedicated musician who had a devoted and magical effect on a child. Next, two amusing and informative books on offer by Jim Webster which are described above.

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Far be it from me to mock musicians. After all, some of them are competent, accomplished, excellent company and masters of their art. Indeed I would swear to this in a court of law, because I’ve worked with all three of them. Of the others that I have worked with, there are still some whom I admire immensely, even though I would not really wish to spend an evening in a pleasant bar drinking wine with them. One such was Offan Valniggle.

I would not hesitate to go and listen to Offan play. If a patron of mine was seriously interested in music I would ensure that Offan was hired to play at one of their functions. If somebody asks me to work with him I will do so, certain that whatever we came up with would be of the highest quality and would stretch both of us to our…

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