Photo Copyright: Al Forbes

This story was written for Sunday Photo Fiction-December 3rd, 2017. Each week the host, Al Forbes, provides a picture prompt taken by him or sent in by one of the participants in the group of writers. The challenge for each member of the group is to write an original story or poem with no more than 200 words, not including the title and inspired by the prompt. This week’s prompt was taken by Al Forbes himself. Thanks, Al.

To read the other stories written by group members, just click on the link below, then on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link to the other stories this week is as follows:


Genre: Science Fiction

Word Count: 200 Words


Frank entered the room where he kept his greatest invention, the Time Regulator. It was an improvement on a time machine. He could land within a second of a minute at his chosen destination.

He’d often wanted to travel to the year 2080 and see how his neighborhood at the base of the Blackford Cliffs had fared.

He stepped into the small enclosure, sat, and prepared the indicator for Saturday, June 22, 2080, Blackford Village, U.K. He clicked on the start pad and felt the jerk of movement forward in time.

Rather than landing in the village, he was about five feet from the cliff. Only half the village remained. A few old people slowly came out of the houses.

One of the men limped forward and spoke.

“Sir, what is this you’ve landed in?”

“Don’t be afraid. I’ve come from the past to see what’s become of my old neighborhood at the base of the cliff.”

A woman then spoke.

“I’m sorry to tell you those houses are under the water. Some scientists come occasionally and dive to the site to study it. About fifteen years ago the water level increased to finally cover the roofs.”
























Someone in old diving helmet

Photo Copyright: Douglas M. Macilroy

This is the first time I’ve been able to take advantage of a repeat picture prompt for Friday Fictioneers. I first wrote a story for this in April of 2014. I looked up the story and liked it pretty much the way it was. I just made a few minor changes and am presenting it about the way it was in the original.

The Friday Fictioneers is a group of writers hosted by the talented and gracious author and artist, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. Our challenge this week and every week is to each write an original story with no more than 100 words not counting the title. It’s supposed to have a beginning, middle, end, and follow the picture prompt for the week. This week’s repeat prompt was requested by Jennifer Pendergast and originally supplied by Douglas M. Macilroy. Thanks, Jennifer, and Doug.

To read the other stories by the group, just click on the link given below, then on the little blue frog in the blue box.

The link for this week’s stories is as follows:


Genre: Reality/Humor Fiction

Word Count: 100 Words


Halloween is my son Bradley’s favorite holiday. This year, at the age of ten, he decided to wear a costume of his own invention.

I could hear him mumbling to himself as he searched through old junk in the attic. I finally heard him yell, “Yes!”

He came downstairs carrying his granddad’s old diving helmet. This is great,” he shouted, pulling on the helmet. “I’m going outside to show my pals.”

Then from outside I heard, “Oh.” Thud.

I looked out. Bradley was sprawled on the sidewalk, probably embarrassed but apparently unhurt.

“Better pick something else, Bradley,” I advised.




Written Act of Kindness Award






Copyright–Douglas M. Macilroy

This is my story for Friday Fictioneers this week. This is a weekly challenge to write a story in 100 words with a beginning, middle, and end. It’s supposed to follow the picture prompt given for the week. The host for the challenge is the talented and gracious author, Rochelle Wisoff-Fields. This week the picture prompt is a photo supplied by Douglas M. Macilroy. Thanks Douglas.



Halloween is my son Bradley’s favorite holiday. At the age of ten, this year he decided to wear a costume of his own invention.

I could hear him mumbling to himself as he searched through old junk in the attic. I finally heard him yell.


He came downstairs carrying his granddad’s old diving helmet.

“This is great!” he shouted, pulling on the helmet. “I’m going outside right now to show my pal, Stuart!”

Suddenly, from outside I heard, “Oh no!” Thud!

I looked out. He was sprawled on the sidewalk, embarrassed but not hurt.

“Better pick something else, Bradley,” I advised.
